

Holiday Violations of Visitation During Covid 19

If your spouse refuses to release your children into your custody at the prescribed time mandated within the temporary custody order then there are certain things that you should do to ensure it is properly documented for future civil contempt proceedings. Read more on the blog of Dallas divorce attorneys at the Nacol Law Firm P.C.


2020 Texas Holiday Visitation Schedule with your Children: Plan Now!

Holidays 2020 Visitation with your child could be difficult since “Normal” life for families has changed greatly with the threat of the Covid19 Virus. Now is the time to review your Holiday Schedule for visitation with your children, along with the Texas Supreme Court Order in this blog and any orders by local courts.


Covid-19 Pandemic Co-Parenting: Time to Mutually Agree to Save and Protect Your Children!

The Texas Supreme Court issued an emergency order that divorced /single parents should go by the originally published school and visitation schedule in their current decree. Read more on the blog of Dallas divorce attorney, Mark Nacol, of the Nacol Law Firm P.C.

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