Boomer Divorce


Texas Cohabitation – Domestic Partnership Agreements for Boomer & Senior Couples

Care must be given to see that cohabitation, domestic partnership, premarital and post-marital agreements protect the parties, keep with public policy, and adhere to current Texas family law and applicable contractual law. Read more from Dallas family law attorney, Mark Nacol, of the Nacol Law Firm PC.


Boomer Prenups – Sign Now or Forever Hold Your Peace!

Family law attorney Mark Nacol discusses prenups for boomers, prenups for senior citizens, prenups for older adults. If you are a Dallas boomer contemplating marriage, get legal advice from a family law attorney on having a prenuptial agreement for senior adults.


Boomers and Divorce: Will you still need me, will you still please me, when I am 64?

Baby Boomers that have been married more than 25 years are divorcing at record rates! Are you a Dallas boomer that has decided to divorce? Do you know the financially reality as a single person? Often, in your golden years, it is not a good picture with what has happened in recent years to the US economy. You should prepare yourself for the big picture before you make the “Divorce Leap”. Read more on the blog of Dallas Divorce attorney Mark Nacol.

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