Parental Alienation


Co-Parenting with a Narcissistic Spouse? Strategies when dealing with your Narcissist Ex

Strategies to use when dealing with Co-Parenting with your Narcissist Ex, offered by the Dallas Divorce attorneys. Mark Nacol and Julian Nacol, at the Nacol Law Firm PC


Is Parental Alienation hurting your Children? Know the Symptoms

Review the symptoms of parental alienation and see if there are common elements in your relationship with your child to determine if parental alienation may be a factor. Read more on the blog of Dallas Family Law Attorney, Mark Nacol, of the Nacol Law Firm P.C.


Parental Alienation Syndrome and the Impact on Children

Parental Alienation Syndrome is recognized by the courts but is very difficult to define and in most cases requires bringing in County Social Services, Child Protective Services, and/or other professionals. Anyone claiming Parental Alienation Syndrome should look for family therapy as a constructive way forward. Other forms of abuse are physical, sexual, and neglect which are much easier to identify. Read more about Parental Alienation Syndrome on the blog of Dallas child custody attorney Mark Nacol of the Nacol Law Firm PC

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