These last three months have really taken its toll on Texas, the United States of America, and the World. Our main concern now is how it has affected our great State of Texas and our DFW Community where we live, work and where our families, friends and clients make their home. On March 7, we sent our employees home to work and our attorneys made the decision to stay working at our Dallas law office in case a current customer or emergency situation needed to be addressed when many other law firms, fully or partially, shut down for the Covid-19 Season. Even with our Employees working from home, our phones were always answered by a smiling voice and a listening ear for emergency and client legal situations. The last few months has been a serious legal complexity and changing environment for ourselves and many of our neighbors, friends, and clients.
The Courts then, in major part, closed and only people who could afford an attorney were able to address legal serious problems that were happening in their lives and businesses. We have worked on blogs which helped people on finding help for domestic violence and answered calls from people all over the US concerning where to get help on a situation in their state after reading our blogs. We listened to their painful cries for help and sent them to their State Bars of Law for referrals. Not one call was dismissed, and we always tried to help, no matter where they lived.
Now we are approaching Phase 2 of the ”Covid-19 Scare”? Many businesses will again be closing and this time, many will not be able to have the funds or support to open their doors again. What will our Law Firm do? Will we send our office family home to work again? Yes, we will! But will we stop answering our phones or turn away our clients and emergency clients who are desperate for help because we are afraid? NO, WE WILL NOT! We are lawyers and now the People of Texas need our services more than ever.
The Nacol Law Firm P. C. is open for business and will be available to take Calls and Zoom appointments for people / businesses / corporations / nonprofits, who we can help at this time. If there is a situation that we cannot help with, we will try to have information on other sources that may help the caller. We are proud citizens of the United States of America and the Great State of Texas. We are also proud Attorneys of The State Bar of Texas and we will not give up on people who need our help.
Our services may be a little different than before. In our office, everyone must wear a mask and social distance themselves. Most of our conferences and hearings are by Telephone or Zoom unless it is a very serious emergency. All Court hearings, mediations, depositions are now mainly by Telephone or Zoom, but we can get it done.
Covid- 19 virus may seriously hurt our people and economy in Texas, but if we all work together to beat this “Demon”, we will be the “Winning Team”.
Make Today Your Winning Day! Call Us! We can help!
Mark A. Nacol /Julian M. Nacol
Nacol Law Firm P. C.
Walnut Glen Tower
8144 Walnut Hill Lane #1190
Dallas, Texas 75231
(972) 690-3333
8144 Walnut Hill Lane
Suite 1190
Dallas, Texas 75231
Office Hours
Monday – Thursday, 8am – 5pm
Friday, 8:30am – 5pm

Attorney Mark A. Nacol is board certified in Civil Trial Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization